Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy March!

Hello everyone :) I have some pics from my phone that I have taken of Alyssa recently (sorry their blury - I lost my small camera for about a week so I had to rely on my phone)......hope everyone has a great March and a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Syndey in Sunday Morning Snow :)
Alyssa taking a break at the Indoor Mall Playground
Alyssa riding in the car with Sydney - huge smile :)
Alyssa helping make cupcakes
Alyssa and Sydney in the car. Alyssa thought it was the neatest thing that Sydney can ride in the car :)
Alyssa and Uncle Riley Hunting Deer
Alyssa and Riley still hunting. Alyssa had alot of fun at the bowling center yesterday playing video games with Uncle Riley, Karella, Grammy, Sean, AJ, and Tyler while Mommy and Daddy had to bowl. She told Uncle AJ she needed more "coiny's" when she ran out of money. Another funny note was when we left.....I told her to give Tyler (AJ's friend) a hug and she looked at him and said, "Bye thanks for giving me money!!" :) It was too cute.
Alyssa and Frosty - her and Daddy made Sunday morning when we woke up to some snow!!

1 comment:

Nanny Tucker said...

Love the pics of Alyssa & Sydney!
Love you!