Wednesday, October 28, 2009

School Halloween Party

Alyssa had her Halloween Party at school today and I got to go enjoy time with her there! She seemed to have alot of fun and they were all so cute! They sang a song and said a poem for the parents. Then we ate some lunch and goodies and they danced to music at the end :) Here are some pictures. I have a video also but am having trouble uploading it. Hopefully I will figure it out.......
And more dancing :)

Eating a brownice after lunch

Waiting for lunch
Singing/Poem - I think she was eating her jackolantern!


And yes - she was the loudest during the song - that's my girl! :)


Nanny Tucker said...

Alyssa is so beautiful! She is tooo cute as Cinderella! She looks like she has had a bit too much sugar & chocolate in one of the pics! ;)
Love you!

**Punkydoop's World** said...

She was quite wound up even without the chocolate but yes - the chocolate played a big part!! :) Thank you for the costume - she is getting alot of use out of it and she really loves it!!
Love you