Monday, October 27, 2008

Update - Doctor

I went and saw the Gastro Doc today. I have an appt for a lovely "procedure" on Dec 3 at 7am. I will be put to sleep thank God!! So I get to be a little loopy that day and hopefully won't remember anything :)
He has a feeling I have some form of colitis and is sure this will show him I either do or do not have it. If I don't we'll talk about it after the procedure, and if I do he will let me know what type and how to care for it. There are so many forms of colitis and he doesn't want to go through all types and treatment now until we know what type I have.
He was quite concerned mainly with my weight loss and all of my symptoms including that point to colitis. He was a little upset with my regular Doc that he waited so long to send me with the constant weight loss and that he made me go dairy free for 5 weeks, when he really knew sooner that wasn't the issue - but what's done is done and I think I am in great care now. He was very nice, quick to the point (which I like) and feels he can help me solve my problem. Woohoo!!
So until my procedure I'll try and manage the issues with diet all while trying not to lose much more weight.
Just wanted to let everyone know. Things will be quiet with this until December.
Love everyone!!

1 comment:

Nanny Tucker said...

I am glad you are finally getting some answers and I will keepy you in my prayers.
Love you!