Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Alyssa Pictures

I have been getting so many requests for new Alyssa pictures. I have been terrible taking pics with everything going on lately and lost my camera for a little bit. I promise I will start taking more now - but I am lucky Alyssa's teacher this year is a photographer so I have some cute candid's from her at school. They are random but will suffice for now until Mommy can get on the ball and take some!
Alyssa is doing great these days! She is getting so big and has become a beautiful young lady :) PS - she hates it when I call her that.........but anyway - she has been in the kindergarten class at Sunflower Station this year. We have been there since she was 10 months - but we are making a change! Alyssa's last day will be this Friday. This summer she is going to have a really sweet girl watch her at the house. Her name is Miss Kristen and she use to work at Sunflower Station (SS) and kept Alyssa's class in the afternoons so Alyssa knows her well and loves her!
Then in August Alyssa will be starting Pre-k at Madison Academy. For those of you that don't live here or know what that's a private christian school that Anthony and his family went to. It is a beautiful school and I know Alyssa will love it there. She is so happy to go to "big school" this fall! She also has some friends that use to go to SS with her, Maddie and Gabbie, that will be going to MA with her. We have kept in touch with them since they left SS and it has been awesome! Maddie is 5 and Gabbie just turned 4 and Alyssa adores them! Me and their Mommy get along great too - so they have been a really nice introcution in our lives! :)
Enough rambling - here are the pics and I'll update again soon!
Love to all!

New House!

Hello All!

So............ Anthony, Alyssa and I bought a new house! We have not been in the house long but we have been working hard to unpack, paint, etc. I have some pictures of the house - some before, some mid move, some unpacking and some rooms completely done. I forgot to take some of the outside so I will do that and post those and post the other rooms as I get to them but I wanted to share what I have so far that my Mom has taken for me :) Lost the camera during the move! But I found it so I can start taking pics.
We love the house - bigger than our previous house and a huge yard! Almost an acre of land. We are putting a pool in this summer and are super excited about that!
Alyssa's room and playroom were the first rooms finished in the house so the most pics are of those but the other's are coming slowly but surely.

Dining Room
Living Room (Window in front of the house)

Living Room 2 (and new furniture!)
Loft area upstairs visible from Living Room
Part of Kitchen done (need to take pics of the rest of the kitchen).....
sink area of Kitchen - during unpacking
Another unpacking Kitchen
Soon to be Guest Room - walls were blue and orange. I am an AU fan - but this has gotta go!

Another view of guest room before.........after pics to come - we are mid primer then paint right now :)
TV portion of Alyssa's playroom. This room is huge and she loves it!

Other half of the playroom - sorry came out dark - will retake.

Alyssa's room color before..........
Applying lots of primer!! This was the UA room - YUCK! I'll have you know this was painted the 2nd day I had keys to the house!
More priming!
Part 1 of the finished product - Alyssa's new bookshelf from Grammy and Papa Sean :)
Part 2 Alyssa's Room after

Part 3 Alyssa's Room after
Part 4 Alyssa's Room after - We are adding many stuffies to the shelf

Alyssa's new ceiling fan - Daddy picked it out!

Ta-Da! Main part of Alyssa's Finished Room

More to come - promise! :)