Friday, August 29, 2008

Alyssa's ISR Swimming Class

Alyssa was able to pass her ISR Swim class this week with her winter clothes on. We hope that she will never have to use these skills but it gives us a little peace of mind knowing that she has them.

She loves the water and her instructor, Caroline, said that she is very comfortable in the water and relaxed. You can see this is the videos below how she just floats even when she is face down in the water. The first week she was upset and cried during the class but after about 4 days, she was laughing and playing around and enjoying them. It took her about 6 weeks (not counting the week she had the bad infection or the week of vacation) to complete the course.

I would recommend ISR (Infant Swimming Resources) to everyone. You can go to their web site to get more information. Alyssa and Daddy liked to get to class early to see the infants going through the course. There were two 8 month old twins that were ahead of us every morning. In fact, our first week there was a 6 month old that was testing out with all her winter clothes on.

In the video above she does not want to do the back flip into the water but in the next video below she will.

Congratulations Alyssa! We are very proud of you!


Bethany Patton said...

I am so proud of her!!!! She is a great little swimmer. Can't wait to see you Alyssa!!!

The Roap Family said...

That is
AMAZING!!!!! Thanks you for sharing!!

Nanny Tucker said...

Wow, that is awesome, Alyssa!!! We are so very proud of you! You are a terrific swimmer!!!
We love you!!
Nanny & Poppy

Anonymous said...

wow she's really good!! she floats WAY better then i do!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm amazed by this...what a great safety class for kids! Way to go Alyssa!!! -Angel